Fiscally Compliant—Yes or No?

Why should I be fiscally compliant?

As you receive funding for your innovative ideas, it is important to remember that managing money is equally important as applying for it. If you don’t manage money properly, you won’t get any more. It is everyone’s responsibility to be fiscally compliant when public and private dollars are given to you.

When you don't manage money properly,  you will experience several consequences that will leave a negative impact on you and your organization. To get ahead of it, you should create a checklist that outlines the agreement or contracts guidelines. This technique will enable you to understand why documentation is so important. When you document, you will be able to address any questions that may come up. Always remember that documentation equals being fiscally compliant.


A little of this and a little of that; when added together, I have a whole lot of experience.

Hospitality and corporate training to retail banking and all things design—I’ve always believed one must always be willing to work hard, reveal opportunity from challenges, and craft every detail to the finish line. I believe in MAKING BETTER. I strive to make any project, person, or experience I come across better than it was before; which has yielded a creative career path that shows I’ve worked my way up and gained experience that guides my decisions in almost everything I do.

I’ve always been a firm believer that you can teach anyone just about anything—except passion! This drive evokes brave, thoughtful, and imaginative actions that push something good into something better. It just so happens to be what I choose to bring with me every day and I’m hoping it what you bring too.

My Timeline

-Diversified skill sets in hospitality and corporate training at Chuck E. Cheese's (and yes I was the mouse).

-Learned the value of ROI assisting customers in retail banking at Citibank.

-Found my passion and calling while launching a local Citibank Business campaign.

-Traded Biochemistry at Loyola Marymount University for a BS in Graphic Design at the Art Institutes of California.

-Discovered that details matter at Vision Design Studio.

-Worked with some of the industry’s most imaginative and competitive creatives at Alcone.

-Gave back to an industry obsessed with their craft (just like me) as an AIGA Board Member in charge of Sponsorship for the Orange County Chapter.

-Earned some awards, accolades, and I’m published in a few books.

-Collaborated and fine-tuned my experiential design, interpersonal communication, and strategic thinking skillsets at Apex Performance.

“It's the imperfections that make something beautiful…”


All I’m trying to say is… You Do You!